How to create a tree for your enchanted forest

Materials you 'll need

Iron wire
paper tape
PVA/wood transparent glue
Acrylic paint (brown/white)
model bushes

If you want to create a forest scenery you will definitely need lots and lots of trees! Most likely you 'd prefer to keep it cheap by perhaps crafting them, since most good model trees to buy are quite pricey. This is a really easy and cheap craft.

Step 1
Handling the iron wire

You could get about 2,5-2.6 meters of iron wire and fold it every about 20cm.
Don't cut the edges yet, just twist them around (using a tool perhaps if iron is too difficult to bend).
Start working on the roots to make your tree standing and make sure you make it stable.
Since you are making a hunted tree or an enchanted tree your roots will be visible out of the ground and will give the effect that your tree is ready to walk!
Next are the branches. Just twist and turn till you have your desirable design. For better effect you can bend your trunk or make your make your branches look like reaching arms. Cut the edges on top if needed.

Step 2
Using the paper tape

Cover your model by wrapping it with paper tape. This way you are fast filling up the gaps from the wire. Cut small pieces of tape to create little details of your choice on the trunk like a hollow.

Step 3
Covering with glue & painting 

The next step is gonna determine whether your tree will be glossy or matte so now it's the time to decide.Choose a darker shade of brown as your base.

  • If you want to have a glossy tree take pure wood/PVA transparent glue (don't mix with water) and mix it with a brown acrylic paint of your choice. Apply a thick layer of this mix on the paper tape of your tree such as you form some texture and let it dry. 
  • If you prefer a matte tree then apply a thick layer of glue on the paper taped tree and let it dry well. When its done, it's time to paint it.

Step 4
Adding a layer

When your tree is dry you can add some details on it with a drybrush. Choose a lighter brown and paint some highlights around.

Step 5
Putting the greenery

If you want greenery on your tree cut some small pieces of model bushes and superglue them on the branches. Your tree is now ready.


Its a great hobby to have:) And to make a blog of it pretty awesome:) This deserves a lot of viewers. Keep it up my friend:D Ainey says hi:D

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